he last thing a business owner wants to be bogged down with is higher than average energy costs. While the cost of running walk-in coolers and freezers can be a necessary expense, it is important to make sure that these costs are not higher than they should be.
Here are a few different factors you should be aware of that influence the cost of running your walk-in:
The first step to keeping energy costs lower is to ensure that your walk-in cooler is constructed and installed appropriately. An expert knows how to construct and install your walk-in cooler so that it runs efficiently in both a short-term and long-term sense. If your walk-in is set up properly it will operate well, be more cost effective, and will also last longer.
Walk-in coolers should have insulation on their floor, ceilings, and doors. The thickness of your insulation will be a major factor in energy costs. In addition, your insulation allows your walk-in to resist outside heat transfer from the ambient temperature around it. Making sure you have the proper level of insulation is required by EISA regulations so this is something to consider when shopping for a new walk-in cooler or freezer.
If your business is located in an especially hot or cold location it will have to work harder to maintain proper temperature levels. The physical location and environment of your walk-in at your business also makes a difference in how much energy it will need to use. For example, if your walk-in sits in direct sunlight for part of the day or is located next to a stove it will need to use more energy to cool itself down and keep the contents inside of it at a safe storage temperature.
The size and temperature of items stored in your refrigerator or freezer can change the temperature inside of the unit. Items placed inside the unit that are hot or warm will take more energy to cool than room temperature items or previously cooled items. Heavy, dense products take longer to cool than lighter ones. Consider what type of products are going into your unit and at what temperature they are entering your unit.
If people are entering and leaving the unit regularly throughout the day outside temperatures will mix with the temperature inside of your walk-in. This causes the walk-in to work harder in order to regulate and maintain a stable interior temperature. Make sure employees are aware of the fact that excessive opening and closing of walk-in cooler doors can cause energy bills to be more costly. Automatic door closers and vinyl strips will help keep cold air in and warm air out as people enter your cooler.
If you are concerned about the energy costs of your walk-in the factors above should be top of mind. In addition, you may want to invest in a temperature monitor to make sure temperatures inside of your walk-in aren’t fluctuating to concerning levels. Considering the factors above will help you keep operating costs down and extend the life of your walk-in overall.