Having incorrect humidity levels in your commercial cooler can not only impair your customer’s ability to view your merchandise but it can even damage your products or significantly decrease their shelf life.
Learn the different types of humidity levels each type of cooler requires in order to perform to the best of their ability and keep your inventory as fresh as possible:
90%+ relative humidity at 35 to 45 degrees F. High humidity is important in floral coolers so that flowers do not dry out and begin to fall apart. In addition, floral coolers need gentle airflow to aid in keeping flowers fresh.
85% - 90% relative humidity at 35 degrees F. High humidity in meat coolers helps to prevent the meat from losing weight as it is stored. Meat loses weight through surface evaporation so the more humid the environment the less evaporation will occur.
60% - 75% humidity at 35 degrees F. The perfect level of humidity is essential for beers that have corks in them. If the humidity is too low the cork can dry out, if the humidity is too high mold can begin to develop in the beer by entering through the cork.
55% - 70% humidity at 45 degrees F. Like beer corks, wine corks can become dried out when humidity is too low. The top of the cork can crack or shrink and the wine can be exposed to air that can spoil it. Conversely, corks can develop mold if the environment is too damp.
60% to 75% humidity at 55 degrees F. Loss of water for fruits and vegetables means shriveled and unappealing produce. Customers will associate the appearance of your produce with the quality of the merchandise so freshness is vital when it comes to providing your clients with the best products available.
The perfect combination of humidity level and temperature is an indispensable aspect of commercial refrigeration. It is best to consider your inventory and then decide what levels it requires to maintain the ultimate freshness. At Bush Refrigeration, we are happy to walk you through which settings your cooler needs to be at in order to take the best care of your products.