If your walk-in cooler seems to be working properly, it may not be on the top of your mind when it comes to health inspection time. Unfortunately, faulty coolers can be the cause of some steep fines so it is best to always prepare your walk-In cooler before the health inspector makes a visit. Follow these tips to help your chances of passing inspection and lower your risk of incurring fines or having your restaurant temporarily closed.
Check the temperature of your walk-in cooler regularly. Foods stored at improper temperatures are at a higher risk of spoiling, developing disease causing bacteria, or spreading foodborne illnesses. Make sure there is adequate lighting in your walk-in. Quality light means that thorough cleaning is easier. It also means products can be easily identified and 'sell by/ use by' labels can be clearly read.
Keep your walk-in organized and easy to navigate. If your Walk-in is over crowded or unorganized it makes cleaning and finding specific products very difficult. Clean floors regularly and keep them free of debris, spills, or icing. Floors need to be cleaned regularly to avoid possible accidents such as employees slipping on spills or ice.
Keeping floors clean and dry also reduces the risk of mold buildup. Make sure your walk-in doors are functioning properly. If Walk-In doors do not close correctly due to problems such as worn gaskets, food may be subject to temperatures that increase the risk of food spoilage.
Check food regularly and discard spoiled food. Make sure all ready-to- eat food is labeled with a use-by date. Rotting or damaged food can mean inspection fines. Ready-to-eat food without a use-by date can mean customers are getting less than fresh products.
Make sure there is no rust and mold in your walk-in. Both rust and mold can mean contaminated food, which can lead to help inspection problems as well as inventory loss. It is best to check local and state inspection regulations to identify other health code standards that you and your business need to be aware of and meet. Having knowledge regarding what health inspectors can fine you for is important and can save you from costly fines and avoid complete shut downs of your business. At Bush Refrigeration, we strive to meet health code standards when we construct our walk-in coolers and freezers. Following the tips above can help you sail smoothly through yearly inspections.